January 29, 2025
Another year has come and gone and I am still nowhere close to where I should be as far as my scheduled projects. My hope was to complete one a year for the next few years so I would be able to enjoy the cars during my retirement. However, each still sit in a pile of parts that just keeps amassing for future use. My hope is that we can get back on track this coming year without some of the distractions from this past year creeping in to derail that train.

Hey everybody out there in internet landia? Danny here, and I have been pondering a lot of things lately….Things that I probably shouldn’t but hey someones got to do it. Tally ho with the updates

Another year has come and gone and I am still nowhere close to where I should be as far as my scheduled projects. My hope was to complete one a year for the next few years so I would be able to enjoy the cars during my retirement. However, each still sit in a pile of parts that just keeps amassing for future use. My hope is that we can get back on track this coming year without some of the distractions from this past year creeping in to derail that train.

Listed below are some of the goals for the coming year.

  1. Complete the conversion and update process that I started with Sheri (My 73 AMX Clone)
  2. Start the process with Barb (67 Rebel Convertible) that will set her on track to be partially together and at least running by the end of next year. Marana (68 Ambassador 4dr) will be donating parts to bring her back to life. This process alone will be tough to keep up with, however, It can be done with some diligence and follow through.
  3. I will work with Elizabeth (1967 Ambassador Convertible) to add some parts from Marana (68 Ambassador 4dr) as well. Each time updating a bit more to bring her back up to speed as well.
  4. Continue to update Tia (1965 Ramber American) with a few modern necessity’s to make her a bit safer to drive. So far I think she is coming out of her scared phase. It seemed with her no matter what we did to repair her ailing heart she had some difficulty getting back on the street. We have now taken her to several towns for shows and she seems right at home on the highways of Arizona.
  5. Fran (1969 AMC Javelin) will be after that with some work done to her as well. Although I cant tell you what the plans are for her as she will need some finesse and coaxing as well. She will be getting some new rear quarters, front and rear  and a new engine transmission in order to get her back to moving around on her own as well.
  6. Misty (1989 Nissan 240sx) will be going home sometime this coming year. I hope to get the rear spoiler, tach and other misc things completed on her as well. while she runs and drives she still needs a bit of help for now.

There have been several additions to the heard for this year as we are working from several fronts…Shawn has also been working on his projects and attempting to get things back together for his shop. There has been a great deal of progress since he has moved in. I will see if I can get an update from him on where he is at and post back here. Harold and Heidi have been busy working on there dodge pickup at a fast and furious pace. The engine work is complete along with body panel and glass placement. The only thing to do now is to get all the pieces back together and start that bad boy up……we look forward to seeing the final product.

I think that may be enough for the next year but what about now?  Well, Christmas is coming and we are all enjoying the weather here in the southwest. We haven’t seen to much in the way of snow or rain just yet. Although the cooler weather has been refreshing for now, what I can say is “at least its not 110 outside” or maybe “Its a Dry Heat”. I have been drafting some plans in my head for the store as well. While I don’t get many hits there now, I wonder what a few products placed there might do. We are going to try and negotiate a deal with a few local performance parts warehouses and see what we can do for our luck. Maybe Restoration parts? Who knows where the cards will fall, we will keep you updated in that sector as things progress. They will be slow but sure I think. It all boils down to what kind of time we can spend on it at this point.

I have been updating the links page with new places I have done business with and had no issues. so far things have been working out well just moving slow. I will continue to update these as time permits and new venders come on line.

Finally, I was perusing and found a great set of eMagazines that I am excited to share. I will set up a place on the site here to link back to them so you have the enjoyment of reading them as well. Give me some time and is shall be done bwahahaha!!!!.

I wanted to take this time and wish everyone a Happy New Year and a Very Merry Christmas. I hope all of you spend the coming days with your family. Don’t forget to enjoy yourselves as these are memories that you are missing out on if you don’t spend the time now. You wont get the time back later……Trust me I know. 

Catch Ya Later


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